Sunday, November 9, 2008

Malaysiakini: So, I'm supposed to be scared?

Okay, now I have a small issue to blog about. Well, I could blog about UMNO elections and the next DPM and so on but you know, every Tom, Dick and Harry is blogging about it so I won't waste my breath ranting and raving about something that is a foregone conclusion. I rather save the oxygen and rant and rave about something else.

Now, it seems there has been a tiny bit of ruckus about a video shown to kids in school. It has left the kids crying, traumatized and to sum it all up, scared shitless. What is this scary video? (No, it's not about Tun Dr M coming back to power)

It's all about a corpse and the supposed 'what would happen if you don't pray'. I won't waste my breath and go into the details as 3/4 of the nation already knows what it's all about. So here is take on it.

I assume the person (read: The idiot who calls himself the teacher) who showed the video to the kids has a low IQ. I think a single cell organism would show more common sense than this person. It's either that or he was somehow born brain damaged. How else could you explain the stupid and downright dumb act of showing a video like that to a bunch of kids who probably were so traumatized? I mean he has to be a total imbecile for acting like, well, an imbecilic kid.

Someone grab this guy and stuff HIM down a grave, preferably sealing him beneath several tons of reinforced concrete and steel!

Seriously, if this is the level of teaching in our education, then we have a serious problem at hand! This is not teaching by imparting knowledge but this is teaching by provoking fear and using intimidation. I'm not saying our kids are bunch of wussies but for crying out loud, they are a just bunch of kids!

There is a saying, spare the rod, spoil the child but this is taking things too far. This is... psychological warfare! This is brainwashing.


What are they intending to achieve by showing the video? These kids are so easily affected (since they are just kids), the teacher knows that and he preys on that naivety and weakness to achieve his twisted and sick, deranged purpose. Resorting to fear and intimidation is the hallmark of bullies and boy oh boy, do I hate bullies! This person is supposed to be a teacher, not an oversized bully with a projector and a TV remote in one hand. Teachers are supposed to teach, not bully. If teachers areresorting to bullying, then what does it say about our education system and schools?

I'll tell you what it says. It says that what we have suspected all the while is true. And that is, our education system has gone so far downhill, Samy Vellu would break his arthritic back bending over trying to see how low it's gone.

Who should be blamed? The blame game is easy enough. He did it! He did it! However, common sense dictates we find out how this was allowed in the first place. (And also how did a low intellect specimen of humanity managed to pass and become a teacher)

What should be done now? Well, as usual, the government is doing damage control, probably wil do some 'investigation' and when everyone is caught up in the fever pitch of the battle for DPM, they will probably shred the file and give the teacher a nice bonus(maybe a jamuan too)...

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