Monday, July 7, 2008

Did we fail to vote or vote to fail?

Now, I'm kinda stumped here. It seems lately that our politicians in Malaysia have taken a mighty fine interest, bordering on somewhat obsession, to sodomy and anal sex. I mean, let's face it, it's fine by me as long as they keep it in their own beds. One man's turn on is another man's turn off.

However, it seems the whole country is gripped by 'sodomy fever'. The politicians, those in power and those not in power and those waiting for power, all are going about in a frenzy about who shafted who. Every news media, electronic and print report this everyday. News Straits Times, The Star, Malaysiakini and so on. I hear all these, ahem, allegations of rear end shafting business and it make me wonder, did we elect our MPs and our government to talk about anal sex? While all these mudslinging going on, with one side claiming 'you shafted him' and another side claiming 'you shafted her', are we going to forever debate about anal sex?

Instead of focusing on anal sex, shouldn't our MPs and government try to do what they were elected for and well, start governing? Instead of talking about who shafted who, shouldn't the government be trying to do something about the rise in food prices? Instead of calling each other names and branding each another 'bigfoot' or 'monkey', shouldn't they be concerned with dealing with the stratospheric rise in global oil prices?

You know what? I'll drop the polite language. Our elected MPs and the government should stop being like a bunch of spoilt brats who only know how to call each other names and say 'He did it! He did it!' Stop being such a bickering bunch of wussies. The only difference between the Parliament now and a kindergarten is that kindergartens have adult supervision. Our MPs and politicians are acting like a bunch of spoilt, hyperactive pre-schooler brats. The Opposition won 5 states and the Government were losers with a capital L during the elections. Boo-hoo.

Now get over that fact and start earning your monthly paycheque the right way. Do what you are meant to do. For crying out loud, is it so hard for them to understand? You are called the government for a reason. See the word 'govern' in government? That means you have to govern the country. If you rather talk about anal sex and sodomy, why don't you resign and go be a pornstar? If you prove to be a good government, you can win back the 5 states in the next election. Is that so f**king hard to understand?

Did we fail to vote? Or did we vote to fail? Because by the way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised to hear if they hired a stripper and did a pole dance in Parliament.

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