Monday, July 28, 2008

Starting to sound like a movie

As the Dark Knight continue to break box office records like a a bull in a china store, viewers and critics are raving non-stop about the movie. Everywhere in the world, people have nothing but praise for the latest Batman movie. Thee is even talk of the Dark Knight surpassing Titanic as the biggest grosser of all time.
However, while everyone is agog over a man in a bat suit and a clown with a bad makeup, Malaysians need not look far to see another box office movie playing out. Indeed, the Terengganu government/Mercedes saga has more twists and turns than Gotham City and the Caped Crusader.
Mainstream papers are reporting new twists every day and so is Malaysiakini. I've been keeping tabs and the Star online reported several things lately.

1) Proton has suspended one of its official dealers in Terengganu over the discrepancies, allegedly using non-genuine parts, overcharging and conducting repairs without recording it in the carmaker's online warranty system.

2) ACA arrested three car workshop owners and seized eight of the 16 official Perdana cars owned by the State government, in connection with the RM 1.07 million maintenance bill for the cars.

3) The Exco men to whom the cars belonged are now 'forced' into using the Mercedes E200 cars bought by the State. (I wonder why they aren't complaining)

4) While all of this is going on, cops in Penang have declared war on foreign women working GROs (Guest Relation Officers).

Okay, this is starting to get confusing as the Matrix Trilogy. I don't know what is going already with this country. Everything is like a Hollywood thriller nowadays. The politics of Malaysia is like a whodunit book written by Agatha Christie.
Shouldn't the Penang police be chasing after Mat Rempits and snatch thieves instead of chasing after foreign women wearing miniskirts and singing at karaoke lounges? I mean there are so many things happening, so much crime. Robbery, snatch thieves, burglaries, rape, murder, drugs and so on plague our country, plague very state in our country, but declaring war on GROs? That is as futile as the Government declaring war on smoking. (Remember the Tak Nak Campaign?) It is as futile as the Government campaign against illegal workers and immigrants. Come on la, GROs are a problem but are they a serious problem as snatch thieves and drugs? I'm not saying the GROs should be given a license to roam but one must know to prioritize.

So, we have beautiful foreign women (GROs), luxurious cars (Mercedes Benz E200), cops, embezzlement, sodomy allegations, murder trial, alleged high powered involvement in the murder, self styled prime minister in waiting, prime minister waiting to leave, prime minister chosen even before the current one leaves, a former prime minister who seems to have a need to comment on everything and of course, a person who was termed 'the richest unemployed man' in parliament whose mysterious powers seem infinite and strong enough to get him elected into Parliament.

~~SIGH~~ Malaysia would make a good blockbuster, eh?

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