Monday, August 4, 2008

Malaysiakini- Abdullah unperturbed by drop in popularity

Yes, yes, yes... News is Pak Lah's popularity has hit a new low but well, Pak Lah is unperturbed about it. Pak Lah is rarely worried, you see. Well, we can see that. We always see his err... well... cool and calm demeanour.

I think Pak Lah is too sleep deprived to see that though the popularity ratings are just indicatory, the truth is, many Malaysians are rather frustrated with the state of things in Malaysia. There is no sign of real leadership, the ability to take a situation by the scruff of the neck and lead the nation out of problems and melees.

Yes, sometimes that is needed by a leader to effectively lead the country. You see, even if you don't do anything but you project the image of doing something, the people would still have faith. But if not only you don't do anything and don't even project an image of doing anything, then you lose the faith of the people.

In troubled, testing times, the people want to see forceful, resolute action being taken with confidence and poise. It is reassuring because when the people don't know what to do, at least the nation's leaders know what to do. That is the purpose of leaders, to lead, effectively and with confidence.

A 'no' should mean a 'no'. If you say the Terengganu government cannot buy/use Mercedes and must abide by the rules and use Perdana, then that is what should happen. If you give face to one, then all would start jumping on your head. Then, there is no use of you being a leader because you are not leading, but instead, you are being led.

As a leader of a country, you should project the aura, confidence and poise of a leader, not look like a sleep deprived insomniac who naps in public. They should not be lethargic but be active. If they cannot inspire the public, then they do not have leadership qualities and thus are not fit to lead the country. How would you feel, when you see the nation gripped in rising inflation, rising oil prices, rising food prices and when you turn to the Prime Minister, the leader of the country, all you see is a tired old man dozing off?

Why, why, why are our country's leaders like this? Our leaders project our nation's image and if our leaders are such sleepyheads then the world would assume Malaysia is a country of lazy sleepyheads.

I think I know why AAB is unperturbed by the drop in popularity:

He's just too sleepy to realize the situation.

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